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What is dry skin?

Dry skin is very common, particularly on the bottom of the foot. A skin that is dry is one that is lacking in moisture, this means that the skin is no longer supple, is prone to cracks and may peel. A skin that is dry is therefore prone to infection, both fungal and bacterial as the cracks provide a portal of entry.

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What is runner's knee?

Runner's knee is characterised by pain around or underneath the knee cap (patella) which is brought on by running and relieved by rest.

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What is an ankle sprain?

Ankle sprains are very common injuries, they are a painful traumatic injury to the soft tissues of the ankle, most of the time it happens whilst taking part in sporting activities. A sprained ankle is when one or more ligaments/structures supporting the ankle become stretched or torn. If not treated properly, long term problems can occur as a result.

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