• The ‘Art of Making’ series aspires to display and highlight people who go against the spirit of today’s pessimism and desperation. They dare to dream and create with zeal and imagination. Armed with passion for knowledge and emotion, they attempt to combine the precision of science with the elegance and resourcefulness of art.

  • What is Achilles tendonitis?

    The Achilles tendon is very strong. It is found at the back of your ankle and connects your calf muscle to the bone in the heel of your foot. The Achilles tendon can become inflamed for a number of reasons, the main reason being overuse. The Achilles tendon has a poor blood supply and, therefore, it is slow to heal. Achilles tendonitis may happen as a result of an increase in activity, overuse or training too much, especially on hard surfaces or up hills.

  • What are thick nails?

    Thick toenails are nails that have thickened. Thickened toenails can cause problems with footwear fitting correctly, are difficult to cut and are often viewed as unsightly. If a toenail is very thick and is left untreated, the pressure placed on the nail bed can lead to an ulcer forming under the nail plate.

  • What is dry skin?

    Dry skin is very common, particularly on the bottom of the foot. A skin that is dry is one that is lacking in moisture, this means that the skin is no longer supple, is prone to cracks and may peel. A skin that is dry is therefore prone to infection, both fungal and bacterial as the cracks provide a portal of entry.

  • What are cracked heels?

    As the name suggests, cracked heels are heels that have developed cracks or 'splits'; these are also referred to as fissures. Heel cracks are linear and appear on the border of the heel, as time goes on these cracks become deep, painful and can bleed. Cracked heels are associated with very dry skin and a loss of elasticity. If left untreated the cracks can provide a portal for infection.

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