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What is a corn?

A corn is a small area of hard skin, roughly round in shape, which press into the skin. They are often found over high-pressure areas of the foot.

What are the symptoms of corns?

Pain or discomfort may occur and different types of corn appear over various parts of the foot. Corns may be visible in between toes, on tops of toes or on the sole of the foot. Causes for corns to form are similar to those for callus, pressure, footwear and high levels of activity.



What should I do if I have a corn?

If you have a corn and require treatment then you should arrange an appointment with our podiatrists.


What shouldn't I do if I have a corn?

If a corn is left untreated it will become painful. A corn will not get better on its own unless the pressure that originally caused the corn is removed. If the cause is not removed then the skin will continue to thicken and become more painful.

Would there be any long term effects from a corn?

After some time the body may treat the corn as a foreign body and an ulcer or abscess could develop. These can be serious, especially if they become infected. Infection is a very serious complication for individuals with diabetes, poor circulation and peripheral neuropathy.

Podiatry treatment for corns

Corns are symptoms of underlying problems and, therefore, self-treatment should only be attempted once a diagnosis of the underlying condition and advice on how to best manage it is gained from a podiatrist.

There are many over the counter corn remedies and plasters that are readily available. These, however, do not treat the cause of the corn and can be risky in many individuals such as those with diabetes, poor circulation, frail skin etc.

Podiatric management of corns at our Podiatry clinic includes:

  • A thorough assessment to determine the cause of the corn
  • Implementation of a management / treatment plan which commonly consist of:
  • Maintenance appointments to keep the corn reduced
  • Use of padding to prevent the pressure
  • Footwear fitting advice
  • Provision of foot orthotics or supports to relieve the pressure under the foot


It is especially important that those with diabetes or poor circulation see a podiatrist for the management of corns.

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